pictogram showing presentation and eye icon

Monitoring Integration

Monitoring Integration for improved user experience

Monitoring integration contributes to an improved user experience and paves the way for better decisions. Data from multiple sources and formats are unified to be displayed in dashboards of your choice.

pictogram showing ticket and arrow icons

Ticketing Integration

Ticketing Integration to optimize time-to-resolution

Escalating incidents to external support organization lead to costly double entries, unclear responsibilities, and impossible SLA. Ticketing integration seamlessly connects different tools and enables an efficient ticketing exchange.


CMDB Integration

CMDB Integration for a consistent asset database

Having a consistent asset database is crucial for effectively assessing the situation in the event of an incident. CMDB integration ensures that assets from an ecosystem are automatically and regularly updated in the central CMDB.

Custom Integration

Seamless integration for consistent marketing & sale

Launching a marketing campaign or identifying additional sales potential is based on up-to-date master data. When data is collected in different organizations or products, our integration ensures data consistency among the products.


logo 1gateway

<p style=”text-align: center;”>Message Integration</p>

logo ceeview

<p style=”text-align: center;”>Service Monitoring</p>

logo ca broadcom

<p style=”text-align: center;”>Infrastructure Monitoring</p>

logo ranorex

<p style=”text-align: center;”>Synthetic E2E<br />

resolve logo

<p style=”text-align: center;”>IT Automation</p>

About us

three people celebrating success and clapping hands

Who we are

Creative Integration for better IT – what we stand for.

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